Author: Felipe


Beautiful night

What would you expect to see in a beautiful night if the moon is about to hide itself among the clouds?… Not sure if you had seen it but, there are some who likes...


Secretly watching

In a random “photo hunting” day, I noticed that someone was looking at me while I was pointing my camera at the gates of a temple in Tokyo… I didn’t felt awkward… in fact,...


Sea phantom

Lurking in the deepest and darkest corners of your mind… your worst nightmare can be as beautiful as you may want to picture it in your dreams… just let it swim in your sea...


Lonely walk

There are times when people likes to have a walk by themselves to think about something… or just to enjoy to good weather.


Dia de presentaciones

Pues aqui estoy relajandome al final de un dia extremadamente bueno para mi (en lo que a vida profesional y estudiantil se refiere) ¿por que fue bueno? pues el dia de hoy tuve un...


Dark sunset

As the sunset draws near, some people “run” to enjoy the last minutes of light over the beach…


Where am I supposed to go?

I don’t like the feeling of being lost when I’m walking around the city… but sometimes I got the idea that the more I look for directions the more I got lost… Anyways, making...


For everyone's sake

among all the people who wish something for themselves, there will always be someone who thinks about others As one of the candles say “みんなのしあわせ” (everyone’s happiness)… hope Makoto’s wish will be granted (Seen...


New Blog – Life through the lens

(Spanish follows english, but the explanation is a bit different) Hello everyone! I’m writing in english one more time just to introduce you a new blog in which I’m participating with some friends who...


Light path

Candles in the snow invite us go with the flow of the moment… as if while being mesmerized by their beauty it will take us to another world